European farming groups Copa and Cogeca have called on the EU to continue support for Producer Organisations (POs) in a reflections paper.
Both organizations said cooperatives in the EU fruit and vegetable sector had been “great successes”, boosting resilience and combating unfair trading practises.
Chairman of Copa & Cogeca Fruit and Vegetable Working Party Philippe Appeltans said: “The specific support scheme for producer organisations in this sector has been a great success. It helps to improve the functioning of the food supply chain and to combat unfair trading practices. Moreover, producers who join cooperatives are more resilient to market crises”.
Both Copa and Cogeca urged the EU to uphold the Producer Organisations as they debate the future of the Common Agricultural Policy in Brussels.
Over 1 million farms in the EU produce fruit and vegetables generating a total turnover of 50 billion euros, constituting 21 per cent of the EU agricultural value.
It also provides employment to 30 per cent of the agricultural workforce, playing an important role for the integration of migrants in terms who provide seasonal work, according to Appeltans.