The association is urging consumers to eat more European-grown citrus to prepare for the colder days ahead

European fresh produce association FruitVegetablesEUROPE has launched a new marketing initiative to encourage consumers to increase their intake of fresh citrus as the new European season gets underway.

FruitsVegetablesEUROPE citrus campaign

It highlights the specific nutritional benefits of oranges and mandarins, such as their high vitamin C and fibre content, as well as introducing a range of original recipes to make it easier to incorporate citrus into daily diets, be it through smoothies, salads or snacks.

The initiative is part of FruitVegetablesEUROPE’s #longlifechallenge encouraging consumers to eat five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day.

“As the citrus season kicks off and the colder days arrive there is nothing better than preparing our body to resist winter with optimum health,” the association said.

“The nutritional properties of citrus fruits, with their high antioxidant capacity and their Vitamin C content, are perfect for keeping our defences high.

“Their characteristics are perfect to help you meet the #Longlifechallenge and consume five pieces of fruit and vegetables a day.”

FruitVegetablesEUROPE is made of the national and regional associations and companies from the main fruit and vegetable producing countries of the EU – France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain.