Frigotech will showcase what is possible for kiwifruit at Fruit Logistica in Berlin

With the award-winning innovation Softripe, exotic fruits are already ripening fully automatically in twelve countries – controlled by intelligent AI software.

Softripe unit

The result: organic ripening at the highest level and a new dimension in fruit quality.

Frigotec caused a stir at the last Fruit Logistica with its ripened pineapple fruit. Now the company is showing what is possible with Softripe for kiwis.

“With our patented Softripe system, we have made a technological leap and achieved the global leadership position in fruit ripening,” said managing director Roland Wirth.

“In Berlin, we are now using kiwis as an example to demonstrate the advantages and ground-breaking potential of this technology.”

Kiwis are very sensitive. They are often too hard and sour on the supermarket shelves – controlled ripening was previously considered a challenge.

Softripe now wants to change this. The fruit presented at the trade fair stand should have a firm, stable skin and at the same time juicy, soft flesh with maximum sweetness.

“Kiwifruit can be harvested according to defined specifications with maximum unripeness, transported stably and stored temporarily,” Wirth continued.

“In the ripening and distribution centre, the fruit is automatically and AI-controlled through through the ideal biological ripening process to be truly ready-to-eat on the shelf.

”Our process can even deliver better quality than flying goods, as the fruit ripens under optimal conditions with a perfectly controlled atmosphere and temperature until the end of the process,” he outlined.

”At the end of the process, they also benefit from a natural preservation effect – with a significantly longer shelf life.”

At the trade fair, visitors will not only be able to sample Softripe kiwis, but this time will also be able to taste Softripe mangoes in addition to the familiar avocados. 

Softripe - Frigotec GmbH
Halle 27, Stand C-35