A new study by market researcher TNS Worldpanel has found that only 12 per cent of the UK's population are eating the recommended five fruits or vegetables per day, with a further 12 per cent not eating any fresh produce at all.
The survey looked at the spending patterns of 25,000 households, and the nutrition labels of 100,000 food and drink products, and found that Britons are eating just 2.5 portions of fresh produce per day.
'While the need for five a day seems to be common knowledge, the number of us who actually achieve this is shockingly low,' Giles Quick, managing director of TNS Worldpanel UK, told The Guardian.
However, nearly 50 per cent of the people interviewed claimed they were trying to eat more fruit, while the study also found an 11 per cent decline in the eating of snack foods over the past three years.
The UK Department of Health recommends that people should consume at least five fruits or vegetables every day to minimise the risk of heart disease, cancer and other heath problems.