TOP QR code reader app Total Produce

Leading fresh produce company Total Produce has announced the launch of a new smartphone application designed to read special quick response (QR) barcodes printed on its product packaging.

Available as a free download from both the iTunes App Store and Android Market, the TOP QR Reader enables smartphone users to scan the QR codes and instantly download targeted content, most notably the company's Fruit Byte consumer videos.

Vincent Dolan, the company's European marketing manager, said the app represented a natural progression, complementing the Smartpack QR-coded packaging range, consumer website and associated facebook page introduced in 2011.

'We resisted the temptation to launch an app that was effectively a miniature website optimised for smartphone usage,' Dolan commented.

'Instead, we wanted to offer the consumer a simple, practical tool to use over and over again on a wide range of products, not only our own.'

Recognising the inconsistent quality of some of the QR readers currently available, Total Produce identified an opportunity to develop an app which it would be comfortable recommending to its customers.

The app's development, Dolan noted, was 'just one more component in an integrated online strategy for empowering the consumer and differentiating our product offering'.

By educating consumers about the nutritional merits and preparation techniques associated with fresh produce in a contemporary, fun and accessible way, he said, the company hoped to encourage consumers across Europe to incorporate more fruit and vegetables into their diet.

'We believe this new app can play a significant role in this process,' he added.
Available in several different languages, including English, German, French, Spanish, Czech, Slovak, Danish and Swedish, the Total Produce TOP QR Reader is available to download now.