Enjoyfresh Freshfel website

Freshfel Europe has launched a new public website on fresh fruit and vegetables, www.enjoyfresh.eu, offering consumers a range of information on the positive aspects and assets of fresh fruit and vegetables.

According to the association, the launch of the website is one of the milestones of the recently launched Freshfel campaign to raise the profile of fresh fruit and vegetables and the sector behind it.

'Fruit and vegetables offer a wealth of benefits to consumers, but those are hardly converted into commercial value,' commented Luc Clerx, chairman of the Freshfel promotion, communication and image committee. 'Enjoyfresh.eu is therefore a significant step to move ahead, highlight these assets and change the collective unconsciousness. As consumption continues to stagnate across Europe, it is important that Freshfel takes the lead to boost the image of the category.'

The information available on the site builds on the expertise that has been provided and gathered from Freshfel's members over the past few years, helping improve product knowledge and fill a gap, according to Freshfel president Ramon Rey.

'This effort made by Freshfel has an immense importance and means a huge step forward in setting the records right for fresh fruit and vegetables,' he explained. 'I am inviting everyone to visit this website and learn more about fresh produce.'

Enjoyfresh.eu offers easy to digest information and ready-made answers to a series of topical issues, with links provided to complementary background knowledge and sections covering supply chain methods.

An additional section is also dedicated to sustainability aspects, including environmental issues and social responsibility, while there are also facts on the nutritional and health benefits of fresh produce.

'Fresh fruits and vegetables have a great story to tell, unfortunately just too often it is not known,' added Sebastian Kruse, Freshfel's communication policy advisor. 'Therefore, as knowledge is missing and too often only imprecise and fragmented information can be found, education and information is all the more important.

'This is where enjoyfresh.eu steps in to spread the message why it is so great to 'Enjoy Fresh Fruit and Vegetables'.' he said. 'It is the only website in Europe which is not being limited just to certain aspects, but offers such a wide range of information and an in-depth look into the sector.'