The group’s Vidre+ technology can help preserve freshness, vitamins and antioxidants in raspberries, trials suggest

Poland-based Fresh Inset has said that its Vidre+ stickers could be a “game-changer” when it comes to extending the shelf-life of fruit such as raspberries.

Fresh Inset Vidre+ stickers raspberries

According to the group, the stickers are placed inside the packaging to protect the berries from the effects of ethylene by releasing the 1-MCP protectant.

This gradual release mechanism allows produce to be treated by 1-MCP directly in packaging, eliminating the need for 24-hour application in a sealed storage room or air-tight containers.

Fresh Inset pointed to recent trials in Poland, led by Dorota Wichrowska from the University of Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz, that demonstrated the impact of Vidre+ technology on raspberries.

The trials showed that berries protected with Vidre+ ”stayed fresh and firm preserving more Vitamin C and antioxidants ten days longer than untreated berries, which began softening after only four days”.

Fresh Inset estimated that Vidre+ could save up to 9.46m tonnes of fruit and vegetables annually.

“The bottom line here is that you can easily change a box, carton, clamshell, etc from just a package into a smart freshness protection system – and you do not need a sealed environment or qualified staff,” said Tim Malefyt, CTO at Fresh Inset.

”Recent Raspberry trial results are exciting,” he outlined. ”The list of crops that we can protect with our technology is even longer.”

Vidre+ is already used in Argentina and is awaiting regulatory approval in food production markets including the Americas.