We spotlight the sector’s latest efforts and innovations to mitigate climate change, from regenerative farming practices to sustainable packaging

The FPJ Sustainability Special is now available to subscribers on the FPJ app – Apple, Android, and desktop – covering the sector’s latest efforts and innovations to mitigate climate change, from regenerative farming to sustainable packaging.

You can subscribe to FPJ HERE.

We reveal Abel & Cole’s meticulous approach to green retail in our Big Interview; take stock of the regulations and advice on water management; and spotlight a Riverford Organic campaign for supermarkets to give growers a fairer deal.
Former FPJ deputy editor Nina Pullman, who is now a producer on BBC Radio 4’s The Food Programme, returns to our pages to report on the meaning behind the latest sustainability buzzword: regenerative farming.

Meanwhile, Niamh Noone of the Soil Association gives us the lowdown on greenwashing, why it is harmful, and how the fresh produce industry can guard against it.

Aside from sustainability, there’s a special report on T Levels, the government’s new ‘gold standard’ vocational qualification, and what they can offer the agri sector. And John Giles of Promar International considers how the recent reprieve on border checks for fresh fruit and veg imported from the EU fits into wider supply challenges on the UK market.

In addition there are special reports on sustainable packaging; a new government inquiry on agri-careers; the launch of an exciting new retail data platform called BG Insights; and a preview of the National Fruit Show on 1-2 November.

The category insight is on root vegetables, and Fresh Faces is with Mark Tate from Birmingham Wholesale Market. Tate is the co-owner of George Perry, GP Salads and Joe Richards greengrocers.