Company is ranked number eight by Newsweek in the food and beverage category for consumer, investor, and employee trust

Fresh Del Monte Produce has been named one of America’s Most Trusted Companies of 2024 by Newsweek for the third consecutive year.

Del Monte logo computer screen

The company ranked number eight in the food and beverage category for consumer, investor, and employee trust, rising from numbers 13 and 14 in 2022 and 2023 respectively.

Presented by Newsweek and Statista Inc, the award recognises the Most Trustworthy Companies in America in 23 industries, according to US residents’ evaluations.

America’s Most Trusted Companies 2024 were identified in an independent survey based on a sample of approximately 25,000 US residents who rated companies they know based on four viewpoints: general, customer, investor, and employee.

Newsweek looked at a pool of 3,400 US-based companies (1,900 publicly held and 1,500 privately held) with revenues over US$500m.

“This award shows the dedication and hard work of our global team members and their commitment to the company, our customers, consumers, and investors,” said Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh, chairman and CEO at Del Monte.

“I extend my heartfelt gratitude to every one of our team members for their invaluable contributions, passion, and hard work,” he added. ”Building a trustworthy company is an extraordinary team effort, and I am immensely proud of what we have achieved together.”