All Morocco articles – Page 16

  • Article

    Azura sponsors Moroccan World Cup bid


    Producer and exporter the Azura Group has announced its official sponsorship of the Moroccan rugby team for the Rugby World Cup, taking place in France in 2007.

  • Morocco's evolution as grape producer and exporter

    Moroccan grape sector full of beans


    Moroccan grape growers are “very optimistic” about their export prospects in 2006, according to leading exporter Delassus.

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    Moroccan exporter to float


    Moroccan exporter Cartier Saada, which exports apricots and citrus, as well as olives to Europe, has announced flotation plans.

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    Moroccan exports rise


    Moroccan veg exports are marginally up so far this season

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    Morocco hosts landmark meeting


    Is this a new dawn for French wholesalers? The sector’s annual general meeting, held this year in the beautiful city of

  • Morocco plans citrus relaunch

    Morocco plans citrus relaunch


    Moroccan growers are set to develop plans to relaunch their sector at their agm on April 4.

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    Tazi puts Moroccan industry online


    A Moroccan citrus exporter is launching a new website to provide information on the entire Moroccan fresh produce industry.

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    Moroccan soft-fruit ahead


    Moroccan strawberries are arriving in the UK two months ahead of schedule.

  • Morocco back on form

    Morocco back on form


    Moroccan citrus has been suffering, with climatic conditions affecting citrus early this year. But the latest reports show some of the most successful export figures in the last five years - across nearly all fresh produce sectors. Emma Twyning talks to both importers and exporters of Moroccan produce to find out why things are looking up.

  • Morocco weather threat to citrus

    Morocco weather threat to citrus


    Severe lack of rainfall in the Souss area of Morocco is threatening the viability of the 2005-06 citrus crop.

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    Morocco welcomes exhibitors


    Some 192 exhibitors are already confirmed at Sifel Morocco 2005: the international fruit and vegetable technology show.

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    Morocco shrugs off cold conditions


    Cold weather at the beginning of the year in Morocco is unlikely to affect fruit and veg exports, it is claimed

  • Moroccan plans to replant

    Moroccan plans to replant


    Investments in re-planting and strategic organisation of the supply calendar is enabling Moroccan producers to raise the country’s profile. However, with the ever-depleting prices offered by the EU, Moroccan supplies to the UK could disappear before long. Elspeth Waters reports.

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    Morocco looks for new opportunities


    FRUIT LOGISTICA: Moroccan producers are hoping Fruit Logistica will help them break into new markets.

  • Moroccans bang on time

    Moroccans bang on time


    Moderate increases in Moroccan citrus production are forecast for the 2004-05 season, however the largest citrus growing region in the country, the Souss Valley in the south, is threatened by locust infestation, and local government has dedicated substantial financial resources to control the pests, writes Anabella de Sousa.

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    Moroccan citrus threatened


    Citrus production in Morocco is expected to increase this year due to the effect of alternate bearing trees, but groves in Souss, the largest production area are still under threat of locusts.

  • Morocco utilises strength in depth

    Morocco utilises strength in depth


    Morocco continues to diversify through a range of products as it looks to strengthen its place in the UK market. As ever citrus takes a lead role in exports, but innovative growers are working hard to create new opportunities. John Broy reports.

  • Morocco upgrades to compete

    Morocco upgrades to compete


    Logistical improvements and better presentation have strengthened Morocco’s citrus offer in recent years, as has this season’s focus on the UK pre-Christmas market. Emma Hatfield reports.

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    Morocco plays early card


    Moroccan citrus sendings might be segmented across many different markets, but in the lucrative run-up to Christmas, exporters are focusing their efforts on the UK. Emma Hatfield reports.

  • Morocco put on show

    Morocco put on show


    SIFEL 2003, the international fruit and vegetable industry show, will take place in Agadir, Morocco, on December 4-7.